Changing levels of nested dictionary in python

Is there a library that will help me achieve the task of changing the levels of a nested dictionary

For example: From this:


For this:


those. the first two levels in the 3-level dictionary are replaced. Thus, instead of 1 map in and 3 maps in, we have a map A in 1 and 3.

The solution should be practical for arbitrary depth and move from one level to another.

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3 answers
>>> d = {1:{"A":"i","B":"ii","C":"i"},2:{"B":"i","C":"ii"},3:{"A":"iii"}}
>>> keys = ['A','B','C']
>>> e = {key:{k:d[k][key] for k in d if key in d[k]} for key in keys}
>>> e
{'C': {1: 'i', 2: 'ii'}, 'B': {1: 'ii', 2: 'i'}, 'A': {1: 'i', 3: 'iii'}}

Thank god for understanding dictate


Basically you read it into an array and take the transpose. An easy way to achieve this would be to use the Pandas data analysis package:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({1:{"A":"i","B":"ii","C":"i"},2:{"B":"i","C":"ii"},3:{"A":"iii"}})

{'A': {1: 'i', 2: nan, 3: 'iii'},
 'B': {1: 'ii', 2: 'i', 3: nan},
 'C': {1: 'i', 2: 'ii', 3: nan}}

, , . , , ~ O (N ^ 2).

, , : - dict_swap_index . [i, j, k]. . , . , [2,0,1] 0 2, 1 0 2 1. - dict_, deep_swap , - deep_swap - swap_two_level_dict .

In essence, the idea is to perform bubble sorting in the dictionary, but instead of replacing items in the list, the levels in the dictionary change.

from collections import defaultdict
def dict_swap_index(dict_, order):
    for pas_no in range(len(order)-1,0,-1):
        for i in range(pas_no):
            if order[i] > order[i+1]:
                temp = order[i]
                order[i] = order[i+1]
                order[i+1] = temp
                dict_ = deep_swap(dict_, i)
    return dict_, order

def deep_swap(dict_, level):
    dict_ = deepcopy(dict_)
    if level==0:
        dict_ = swap_two_level_dict(dict_)
        for key in dict_:
            dict_[key] = deep_swap(dict_[key], level-1)
    return dict_

def swap_two_level_dict(a):
    b = defaultdict(dict)
    for key1, value1 in a.items():
        for key2, value2 in value1.items():
            b[key2].update({key1: value2})
    return b


test_dict = {'a': {'c': {'e':0, 'f':1}, 'd': {'e':2,'f':3}}, 'b': {'c': {'g':4,'h':5}, 'd': {'j':6,'k':7}}}
result = dict_swap_index(test_dict, [2,0,1])
             {'c': defaultdict(dict,
                          {'e': {'a': 0},
                           'f': {'a': 1},
                           'g': {'b': 4},
                           'h': {'b': 5}}),
              'd': defaultdict(dict,
                          {'e': {'a': 2},
                           'f': {'a': 3},
                           'j': {'b': 6},
                           'k': {'b': 7}})}),
 [0, 1, 2])


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