MPAndroidChart, how to remove decimal percentages and not show percentages below 10?

I am using MPAndroidChart and I have two questions:

  • MPAndroid Pie Chart Remove Decimal Percentages
  • Do not show values ​​in a pie chart that have values ​​less than 10%, but show a fragment; just the text should not be displayed for percent less than 10%.
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2 answers

Update for version 3.0. 0+

Values ​​are now formatted by extending the class ValueFormatterand overriding the necessary methods for formatting. You can also insert your own logic here (for example, show only labels for values> 10).

class MyValueFormatter : ValueFormatter() {
    private val format = DecimalFormat("###,##0.0")

    // override this for e.g. LineChart or ScatterChart
    override fun getPointLabel(entry: Entry?): String {
        return format.format(entry?.y)



(3.0.0) MPAndroidChart :


 PieData data = new PieData(dataSet);
 data.setValueFormatter(new DecimalRemover(new DecimalFormat("###,###,###")));


public class DecimalRemover extends PercentFormatter {

protected DecimalFormat mFormat;

public DecimalRemover(DecimalFormat format) {
    this.mFormat = format;

public String getFormattedValue(float value, Entry entry, int dataSetIndex, ViewPortHandler viewPortHandler) {
    if(value < 10) return "";
    return mFormat.format(value) + " %";

ValueFormatter PercentFormatter



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