Ceylon 1.2 Binary Compatibility

I tried to compile the source with the Ceylon compiler version 1.2, which I had previously compiled using the Ceylon compiler version 1.1, and I get the following error messages:

source/com/example/helloworld/module.ceylon:2: error: version '1.1.0' of module 'ceylon.net' was compiled by an incompatible version of the compiler (binary version 7.0 of module is not compatible with binary version 8.0 of this compiler)
    import ceylon.net "1.1.0" ;
source/com/example/helloworld/module.ceylon:2: error: version '1.1.0' of module 'ceylon.collection' was compiled by an incompatible version of the compiler (binary version 7.0 of module is not compatible with binary version 8.0 of this compiler)
    import ceylon.net "1.1.0" ;
source/com/example/helloworld/module.ceylon:2: error: version '1.1.0' of module 'ceylon.io' was compiled by an incompatible version of the compiler (binary version 7.0 of module is not compatible with binary version 8.0 of this compiler)
    import ceylon.net "1.1.0" ;
source/com/example/helloworld/module.ceylon:2: error: version '1.1.0' of module 'ceylon.file' was compiled by an incompatible version of the compiler (binary version 7.0 of module is not compatible with binary version 8.0 of this compiler)
    import ceylon.net "1.1.0" ;

I believe that "... binary version 8.0 ..." in the error message refers to the Java version.

In both attempts to compile (first with Ceylon 1.1, second with 1.2) I used Java version 8, and I do not want to change it to 7.

Does compiling the Ceylon SDK with Java version 8 help? How can I do this separately from the entire spectrum in Ceylon?

How to import Ceylon SDK sources into my project and compile it with my project?

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2 answers

Ceylon, , , , JVM.

Ceylon JVM 7, JVM 8, Ceylon 1.2.0 Ceylon 1.2.0; Ceylon 1.1.0 .

- import ceylon.net "1.2.0";.


, Ceylon, Java. Ceylon 1.1 7, Ceylon 1.2 - 8. , .

1.2.0 SDK Ceylon 1.2.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613684/

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