--Enable-pcregrep-libbz2 failed because bzlib.h was not found

I am trying to install pcre 8.32. When I tried to install the following tutorial , I get this error:

 **Cannot --enable-pcregrep-libbz2 because bzlib.h was not found**.

Then I tried: sudo yum install libbz2-devand now he saysNo package libbz2-dev available.Error: Nothing to do

I am completely confused. What should I do next?

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1 answer

Try to find the package that provides the file bzlib.h:

sudo yum whatprovides */bzlib.h

And then install this package

From your comment, the package name bzip2-devel-1.0.6-3.fc15.i686, so:

sudo yum install bzip2-devel-1.0.6-3.fc15.i686

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613678/

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