I want to use the code associated with the character %. For example, when we want to write é, then we will code é, so what is the code for %?
There are many possibilities:
% % %
A link with all the possible characters that you will find on the following site: http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/charref
For the percent symbol, the equivalent of HTML:
You can find HTML codes for Unicode characters here .
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613652/More articles:Jose4j library compatibility with Java 6 - jwtLogging into pyspark using slf4j - loggingThe image of a raster rocket disappears - iosЯвляется ли Win32 ShowWindow api по-разному в Windows 7 SP1 в каком-то конкретном случае? - c++How to show GROUP BY data in a loop - phpHow to check MatOfKeyPoint in java? - javaAsm variable in code C - cDifference between the symbol * 10 :: a and the symbol :: a (10) "- arraysQtComboBox style, QListViewItem - setting text - cssconvolution of an image using an even-sized kernel - image-processingAll Articles