Is Win32 ShowWindow api different in Windows 7 SP1 in any particular case?

I found an error yesterday in one of my Windows applications, which is built in a high-level structure that eventually calls the Windows API, such as CreateWindowand ShowWindow, to display its user interface.

One machine so far, and only one that turned out to be a client machine, I observed the following behavior:

  • For only one window in my entire application, when I first call ShowWindow(Handle,SW_SHOW )for this window, the size that it previously received with SetWindowPosis overridden.

Reading the MSDN Win32 API documentation, ShowWindow(Handle,SW_SHOW)I do not see any link that it moves in the window. I can get around this unexpected result when my window program gets bounds before it calls the Win32 routine ShowWindow.

My question is, has anyone seen this kind of behavior? I think this should be one of the following:

  • An unclear error in Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) that does not play on all systems and plays, perhaps only for a specific version of a specific video card driver. (This damaged system has two AMD / ATI FireGL graphics cards)

  • An unclear problem caused by a side effect of some other software running on the system that might be related to window processing, somewhere (maybe even inside my own process) using some dlls or something like that I don't know) .

  • Something my 4 millionth linear application does to me, through some strange code somewhere I have not yet identified.

  • I use application proxy compatibility within the Win32 API level.

-, ++, C Delphi, , - - , ShowWindow , , , , x = 175, y = 175, width = 320, height = 240, , , CreateWindow, " , .


  • , .

  • - , - , Win32 , , , .

  • .

  • , x y /, /.

  • Win32 , ShowWindow, , .

  • Win32 ShowWindow, reset.

MSDN SW_SHOW Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.

, 100 , . Windows 7.



FireGL, , -, - , , , .

HydraVision Package Catalyst Software Suite



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