Groovy: how can I find json with a key value and find its children in groovy

    "createTime": "2014-05-12 04:51:46.513343",
    "powered": false,
    "description": "s",
    "current": false,
    "children": [
            "createTime": "2014-05-13 03:50:43.050442",
            "powered": false,
            "description": "Snapshot description",
            "current": false,
            "children": [
                    "createTime": "2014-05-13 03:57:08.209319",
                    "powered": false,
                    "description": "s",
                    "current": false,
                    "children": [
                            "createTime": "2014-05-13 04:27:00.646064",
                            "powered": false,
                            "description": "s",
                            "current": false,
                            "label": "snap3"
                            "createTime": "2014-05-13 21:00:16.374178",
                            "powered": false,
                            "description": "sd",
                            "current": false,
                            "label": "sddsds"
                    "label": "snap2"
            "label": "snapshot-name5"
            "createTime": "2014-05-14 00:49:33.415858",
            "powered": false,
            "description": "a",
            "current": false,
            "children": [
                    "createTime": "2014-05-14 02:35:10.076829",
                    "powered": false,
                    "description": "sdfsdfsdf",
                    "current": true,
                    "label": "ssfsdf"
            "label": "assa"
    "label": "snap1"

Here I have the label “snap2” as input, and I need to get my child labels (snap3, sddsds) as output. How to do it in groovy? I searched a lot of things, but I can not find a solution.

It would be great if I could get a hunch from any of you.

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2 answers

Assuming your json is in a line jsonTxt, you can do:

def json = ​new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText( jsonTxt )

def recursiveChildrenScan( map, key, value ) {
    if( !map ) { null }
    else if( map[ key ] == value ) { map.children }
    else { map.children.findResult { recursiveChildrenScan( it, key, value ) } }

println json.findResult { recursiveChildrenScan( it, 'label', 'snap2' ) }​?.label​
find_recursive(new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(your_json_here))

def find_recursive(a) {
    a.collect {(it.label == "snap2") ? it.children.collect {it.label} : find_recursive(it.children) }.flatten()


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