I have the following Json answer:
"0P0000G5ZQ": [
"Title": "PIMCO Unconstrained Bond Inst",
"ResourceId": "587723",
"PublicationTime": "2013-03-07 14:13:00 -0600",
"Type": "Research",
"Href": null,
"VideoThumbnail": null,
"Title": "Nontraditional Bond 101",
"ResourceId": "609234",
"PublicationTime": "2013-08-27 06:00:00 -0500",
"AuthorName": "Josh Charney",
"Type": "News"
"VideoThumbnail": null,
"Title": "Investors on the Move as Rates Rise",
"ResourceId": "607677",
"PublicationTime": "2013-08-16 06:00:00 -0500",
"AuthorName": "Christine Benz",
"Type": "Video",
"SubType": "MSTARVDVD",
"0P0000PZCB": [],
"0P00002PYR": [
"Title": "FPA New Income",
"ResourceId": "578826",
"PublicationTime": "2012-12-26 00:00:00 -0600",
"AuthorName": "Sarah Bush",
"Type": "Research",
"Href": null,
"VideoThumbnail": null,
"Title": "FPA New Income, Inc. 2nd Quarter 2013 Conference Call",
"ResourceId": "BWIPREM_20130719005736",
"PublicationTime": "2013-07-19 12:32:00 -0500",
"Source": "Business Wire",
"Type": "News",
"VideoThumbnail": null,
"AuthorThumbnail": null
I need to print the following nodes from the ex answer: "0P0000G5ZQ", "0P0000PZCB", "0P00002PYR", etc., and then in each of these nodes I need to state whether the "Header" node is present. Response nodes: "0P0000G5ZQ", "0P0000PZCB", "0P00002PYR" continue to change depending on the service I'm running, so I need to always get it from the response, not hard. I have to do this in a script statement in SoapUI.
I tried using Json Slurper to get the nodes: "0P0000G5ZQ", "0P0000PZCB", "0P00002PYR", etc. in the following way:
import com.eviware.soapui.support.XmlHolder
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def holder = new XmlHolder(messageExchange.responseContentAsXml)
def response = messageExchange.response.responseContent
log.info response
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def json = slurper.parseText(response)
log.info json.each
but this returns the following INFO information: null.
- ? .