IOS 9.0.2 - Unable to install Enterprise App -Unable to download application (application name) failed to load at this time

My company has an application that can be downloaded via the website using Enterprise Distribution.

In iOS 9, by clicking the download link, you will see the expected pop-up window (website) that you want to install (application name). "Clicking" install "in this dialog box first causes the application to get stuck" Waiting ... "

Waiting for application

Until it finally indicates: “ Unable to download application (application name) failed to load at present .

Unable to download application

Set expected results using iOS 7 and iOS 8 .

How do we support Enterprise Distribution in iOS 9 ?

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1 answer

Apple has quietly changed how Enterprise Distribution works several times, so knowing the answer to this question will not really benefit you in the long run. How to find the answer to your question, the next time is most suitable for you.

iOS Mac, Xcode, . , , . ( ) . , .

iOS 9.1 : BundleValidator: Failed bundleIdentifier: com.example.appName.XXXX does not match expected bundleIdentifier: com.example.appName, , bundle-identifier plist Bundle . , .XXXX plist Enterprise Distribution iOS 8.0, . , .XXXX, iOS < 9.0

plist ipa, iOS 8. +, iOS 9. +



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