AWS - HA NFS - Best Practices

Does anyone have a reliable strategy for implementing NFS on AWS in such a way that it is not SPoF (the only point of failure), or at least it cannot recover quickly if an instance fails?

I read this SO post regarding the ability to share files with multiple EC2 instances, but it does not answer the question of how to provide HA from NFS to AWS, only NFS can be used.

Many online assets say AWS EFS is available, but it is still in preview mode and only available in the Oregon region, our main VPC is in N. Cali. cannot use this option.

Other online assets say that GlusterFS is a way, but after some research I just don’t feel comfortable implementing this solution due to race conditions and performance issues.

Other options are SoftNAS , but I want to avoid entering an unknown AMI into a tightly controlled, homogeneous environment.

What leaves NFS . NFS is what we use in our development environment and works great, but it's dev, so if it crashes, we get a couple of beers, and the systems fix the problem, but this obviously doesn’t work in production.

The best solution that I can come up with at this stage is to create EBS and two EC2 instances. Both instances will be updated as usual (via the puppet) to maintain stack alignment (kernel, nfs libs, etc.), but only one instance mounts EBS. We set up the monitor on the active NFS instance, and if it goes down, we are notified and we manually disconnect and attach the EC2 backup instance. I think that we are also creating a network interface that can also be removed / reconnected, so we only need to support one IP address in DNS.

Although I suppose we could do this automatically with keepalived and an IAM policy that will allow us to automatically detach / rejoin.


, EBS , AZ . , , :

  • EC2 AZ, ( EIP)
  • 53 TCP: 2049
  • 53 nfs-1 (AZ1) nfs-2 (AZ2)

, NFS? cron rsync script ?

, ?


NFS. EFS GlusterFS, .

a) DRBD DRBD. . EC2 . : .

b) EBS RPO 30 , EBS . , EC2, script cronjob EBS. : RPO > 30 .

c) S3 EC2, NFS, S3. S3 . : S3- .

AWS re: Invent:


AWS AMI SoftNAS, AWS Marketplace. SoftNAS AWS :

  • ( 4-11)
  • HA AZ ( 13-14)

30- , , .

: SoftNAS.



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