I am running simple GLMM with lme4 ...
model1 <- glmer.nb(S ~ Days*Grazing*Biome + (Days|Site), data=mydata, verbose=T, control=ctrl)
... and run convergence code 1 from bobyqa: "bobyqa - maximum number of function ratings exceeded." So I looked through stackoverflow and found this interesting thread.
I redid my control object, which now looks like this:
ctrl = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa",
boundary.tol = 1e-5,
sparseX = FALSE,
## optimizer args
optCtrl = list(maxfun = 1e5))
But I still get the same error. Then I followed another link that said that
- you can use control = glmerControl (optCtrl = list (maxfun = 1e5)) to configure the maximum number of function evaluations. CHECK
- if @optinfo $ feval tells you how many function evaluations were actually used. TBD
, model1 @optinfo $feval, ... 172
, - , 1e3 1e8, .
lme4 - 1.1-10; 64- R3.1.3 (, R?)
(!) !