Let's say I have a list structure where it is data.frames
nested in each element.
l <- list(A = list(D = data.frame(V1 = seq(3), V2 = LETTERS[1:3]),
E = data.frame(V1 = seq(3), V2 = LETTERS[4:6])),
B = list(D = data.frame(V1 = seq(3), V2 = LETTERS[7:9]),
E = data.frame(V1 = seq(3), V2 = LETTERS[10:12])))
V1 V2
1 1 A
2 2 B
3 3 C
V1 V2
1 1 D
2 2 E
3 3 F
V1 V2
1 1 G
2 2 H
3 3 I
V1 V2
1 1 J
2 2 K
3 3 L
I would like to find a way to combine tags D
and E
accordingly from the parent elements of the list ( A
, B
), so the result will be like this:
V1 V2
1 1 A
2 2 B
3 3 C
4 1 G
5 2 H
6 3 I
V1 V2
1 1 D
2 2 E
3 3 F
4 1 J
5 2 K
6 3 L
I can accomplish this with a loop, but I'm trying to find something more efficient / elegant.
out <- vector("list", length(list))
for(i in c("D","E")){
out[[i]] <- do.call("rbind", lapply(l, function(x) x[[i]]))