How to get coverage for an Android project using Espresso tests

I used to write Android tests using Robotium and retrieve coverage using Emma.

I recently switched to using Espresso tests, and I'm having trouble getting Instrumentation test coverage. I can only get coverage for unit tests that use Robolectric. I am currently using gradle and Jacoco for this. The best tutorial I found that helped me get to this point:

Can I get coverage for Espresso tests using Android hardware?

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1 answer

The android gradle plugin has a built-in function.

Just set the parameter to a testCoverageEnabledvalue truein the file build.gradle:

android {
   buildTypes {
      debug {
         testCoverageEnabled = true

Then use:

./gradlew connectedCheck


./gradlew createDebugCoverageReport

It issues a test report in the module directory:


Just open index.html


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