Save Input Values ​​in Child Rows - Data Tables

I have a responsive DataTable in the form. DataTables generate child rows on small devices. In these rows, I have Input controls. And that causes two problems.

First problem: Values ​​from hidden child strings do not fall into the form data.

Second problem: Values ​​disappear after editing these inputs and hiding the line.

Can anyone help me out?



Simplified tbody to .DataTable ()

        <td>System Architect</td>
            <input name="1" type="text"/>
            <input name="2" type="text"/>
            <input name="3" type="text" value="example"/>

After .DataTable ()

    <tr role="row" class="odd">
        <td class="sorting_1">System Architect</td>

And advanced

  <tr role="row" class="odd parent">
    <td class="sorting_1">System Architect</td>
  <tr class="child">
    <td class="child" colspan="3">
      <ul data-dtr-index="0">
        <li data-dtr-index="3">
          <span class="dtr-title">Age:</span>
          <span class="dtr-data">
            <input name="1" type="text" style="background-image: ; background-       attachment: scroll; background-position: 100% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
         <li data-dtr-index="4">
           <span class="dtr-title">Start date:</span>
           <span class="dtr-data">
             <input name="2" type="text"></span>
         <li data-dtr-index="5">
           <span class="dtr-title">Salary:</span>
           <span class="dtr-data">
             <input name="3" type="text" value="example">

All simplified code looks like this script .


DataTables Ajax - . DataTable .


, . , .

columnDefs , , render , HTML, . .

, , .

$(document).ready(function (){
   var table = $('#example').DataTable({
      'columnDefs': [
            'targets': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'render': function(data, type, row, meta){
               if(type === 'display'){
                  var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(meta.settings);

                  var $el = $('input, select, textarea', api.cell({ row: meta.row, column: meta.col }).node());

                  var $html = $(data).wrap('<div/>').parent();

                  if($el.prop('tagName') === 'INPUT'){
                     $('input', $html).attr('value', $el.val());
                        $('input', $html).attr('checked', 'checked');
                  } else if ($el.prop('tagName') === 'TEXTAREA'){
                     $('textarea', $html).html($el.val());

                  } else if ($el.prop('tagName') === 'SELECT'){
                     $('option:selected', $html).removeAttr('selected');
                     $('option', $html).filter(function(){
                        return ($(this).attr('value') === $el.val());
                     }).attr('selected', 'selected');

                  data = $html.html();

               return data;
      'responsive': true

   // Update original input/select on change in child row
   $('#example tbody').on('keyup change', '.child input, .child select, .child textarea', function(e){
       var $el = $(this);
       var rowIdx = $el.closest('ul').data('dtr-index');
       var colIdx = $el.closest('li').data('dtr-index');
       var cell = table.cell({ row: rowIdx, column: colIdx }).node();
       $('input, select, textarea', cell).val($el.val());
       if($':checked')){ $('input', cell).prop('checked', true); }


jsFiddle .



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