Laravel update field after ajax post

I make a small similar system. I already managed to make an ajax message in my database, where I increase tblarticles using row.likewith 1. Now on the same page where I am making an ajax message, I want to update the field value after each ajax message, Now my problem is that I need to update before I see 1 instead of the standard 0

Ajax post

    url:"articles" ,
    type: "post",
    data: {
        '_token': token[0].value
    success: function(data){

view article/index.blade.php

@foreach($articles as $article)

          <div class="work-container">
              <article class="work-item">
                  <a href="{{action('HomeController@showArticle', [$article->id, $article->title])}}" class="work-thumbnail">
                      <img src="/articlePics/{{$article->image}}" alt="work-item">
                  <div class="work-info">
                      <span class="user">{{$article->title}}</span>
                      <div class="actions">
                          <form id="actionForm" action="" method="post" role="form">
                              <input type="hidden" name="articleId" value="{{$article->id}}">
                              <input type="hidden" name="userIdFk" value="{{$article->user_id}}">
                              <input type="hidden" name="userID" value="{{Auth::id()}}">
                              <input type="submit" name="like" class="likeBtn" id="test" value="Like">
                              <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="<?php echo csrf_token(); ?>">
                          <span class="likes" name="currentLikes">{{$article->likes}}</span>



if(Request::ajax()) {
        $data = Input::all();
        $user_id =  Auth::id();
        $article_id = Input::get('article_id');
        $user_id_fk = Input::get('user_id_fk');
        $results = DB::select( DB::raw("SELECT * FROM likes WHERE user_id = '$user_id' AND article_id = '$article_id'") );
        $likedOrNot = DB::table('likes')
                ->where('article_id', $article_id)
                ->where('user_id', $user_id)

        $currentLikesDB = DB::table('articles')->where('id', $article_id)->pluck('likes');
        echo json_encode(['likesnumber' => $currentLikesDB]);

This is the last range that I want to change with the current data published after the ajax post.

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3 answers

to try:

in an articlesecho-like number with json_encode.

$currentLikesDB = DB::table('likes')->where('article_id', $article_id)->first();
$likesnumber = $currentLikesDB->likes;
return json_encode(['likesnumber' => $likesnumber]);

then ajax:

    url:"articles" ,
    type: "post",
    data: {
        '_token': token[0].value
    success: function(data){

, .

, json_encode().

ajax success() , .

, json_encode().

ajax success()


in your ajax request, return the total number of samples as JSON and in your ajax success function write this

success: function(data){


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