Why is this loop in python slower?

This code has a 4-dimensional array of 13x13 images. I would like to save each 13x13 image using matplotlib.pyplot. Here, for debugging purposes, I limit the outer loop to 1.

#fts is a numpy array of shape (4000,100,13,13)
no_images = 4000
for m in [1]:  
    for i in range(no_images):
        print i,
        fm = fts[i][m]
        if fm.min() != fm.max():
            fm -= fm.min()
            fm /= fm.max()  #scale to [0,1]
            print 'unscaled'

Saving 4000 images took more than 20 hours. Why is it so slow? If I limit the inner loop to the first 100 images, it will take about 1 minute. Thus, all this should be completed in 40 minutes, not in 20 hours! And I notice that it works more slowly.

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1 answer

, , : AxesImage ( plt.imshow) , ; , . , AxesImage, :

image = plt.imshow(fmap)

, , AxesImage, :

image = None
for m in [1]:  
    for i in range(no_images):
        if image is None:
             image = plt.imshow(fmap)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613447/

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