Angular $ http post changes date format

The following situation:

I have a form with a field input[date]. I convert the values ​​with the following code:

$ = $filter('date')($, 'yyyy-MM-dd');

This correctly formats the date, for example. 2015-10-27

When I submit an object using $http.postangular, it seems to recognize this as a date and reformat it before 2015-09-30T23:00:00.000Z. I am in Germany and we have GMT + 1. Thus, angular converts the date to GMT. Is there any way to disable this behavior?


HTML code:

<form ng-submit="submit()">
  <input type="date" ng-model="" />

JS code:

$scope.submit = function() {
  $ = $filter('date')($, 'yyyy-MM-dd');

  // when debugging this is the point where $ is 2015-10-27
  // so it is the format and date I expect

    data: $scope.entity,
    method: POST,
    url: '/resource'
    .success(function(data) {
      // do some stuff

  // when looking into network traffic the request was sent with
  // 2015-09-30T23:00:00.000Z as value for $
source share
1 answer

. - , . , .

, , , . , , .

var entity = angular.copy($scope.entity);

, .

    data: entity,
    method: POST,
    url: '/resource'


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