I want to use a google google spreadsheet or form + spreadsheet to collect a response from user R and send it to the distribution table.
Here is the minimal Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tz2RPftOLRCQrGSvgJTRELrd9sdIrSZ_kxfoFdHiqD4/viewform
And the attached table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xemHzTdeqgMuGbsP6oqDYuMu4PymBdw7k7kMC_-Dsi8/edit#gid=102827002
I thought I would use the Jogry Bryan googlesheets package, for example:
(my_sheets <- gs_ls())
minresp <- gs_title("minimal (Responses)")
minresp %>% gs_add_row(ws = "dat", input = mtcars[20, 1:2])
Works great, but if I include the code, and someone else (i.e. who is not me) tries to use the code:
Error in gs_lookup(., "sheet_title", verbose) :
"minimal (Responsess)" doesn't match sheet_title of any sheet returned by gs_ls() (which should reflect user Google Sheets home screen).
So, in the vignette, I see there separately:
# Do you need to access a sheet that you don’t have?
# Access to it by key, if you know it!
, , , :
minresp2 <- gs_key("1xemHzTdeqgMuGbsP6oqDYuMu4PymBdw7k7kMC_-Dsi8")
Authentication will be used.
Error in gs_lookup(., "sheet_key", verbose) :
"1xemHzTdeqgMuGbsP6oqDYuMu4PymBdw7k7kMC_-Dsi8" doesn't match sheet_key of any sheet returned by gs_ls() (which should reflect user Google Sheets home screen).
, Google, , . , / . , spreasheet , URL- , .
, R ( ) .