Larvel 5.1 eloquent belongs to joining relationships across multiple columns

I am connecting to a remote database that was poorly developed, but I just can’t fix it. I have read-only access to get the data I need. It has the following structure:

    - id
    - style_id
    - department_id

    - id
    - Name
    - style_id
    - department_id

Since you can see, and not a product that has only a field brand_id, it has style_idand department_idwith which you must join in order to find out which brand is the product.

So, how would I establish my relationship with my product model in order to achieve this?

php eloquent laravel
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2 answers

, .

public function scopeWithBrand($query)
    $query->join('Brands', function($q) {
        $q->on('Products.department_id', '=', 'Brands.department_id')
          ->on('Products.style_id', '=', 'Brand.style_id');
    })->addSelect([' AS brand_id', 'Products.*']);

, Laravel , laravel, , .

, Product-Brand, , Product by Brand, :



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