What is ATACIBITE for default transactions for MDBS?

First of all, I'm talking about EJB 3.

Secondly, I know that the question may seem too obvious, as in javadocs regarding annotation @TransactionAttribute, it is clearly said (without any specification regarding beans or MDB session), which:


public abstract Value TransactionAttributeType

The default value is:


But I had this question when I went through this answer . So, I tried to check its correctness and find out if there are other resources talking about it. So I found this note from Oracle Weblogic Server docs :

Note. If the transaction type is set to Container and the trans-attribute is not set, the default value of the transaction attribute is (NotSupported for MDB).

The question is, does this apply only to Weblogic servers? Shouldn't they comply with the specifications? Or, did I just skip the episode?

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613179/

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