Quick action

As for the new 3D Touch features with the new iPhone 6s / 6s +, I'm trying to add some quick action to the home screen in my application.

I was able to realize a normal flow of power regarding the application icon on the main screen → select one of the available quick actions → take care of all possible application states correctly.

My question is: Is it possible to create a silent action among the available quick actions? By silentI mean, a certain action will happen, but the application will not complete the launch? Or, alternatively, launch, but will not be in the foreground?

I'll talk about what I'm trying to achieve. I want this one-sentence behavior to be HealthKitprovided with its original delivery - where, after a change in the HealthKit store, it wakes my application up and gives me a chance to do this in the background (with the HealthKit example, a request for new data in the repository).

After reading most of the Apple documentation on this topic, I got the feeling that with the current available API it is impossible, but I hope someone will surprise me ...

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1 answer

Nope. The user who invokes the Quick Action home screen always activates the application.

, , application:performActionForShortcutItem:completionHandler:. (.. /, ), , application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, application:performActionForShortcutItem:completionHandler:. (, did/willFinishLaunching .)



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613171/

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