Hi, I tried using phone links inside an iframe in iOS9. Phone application does not open in safari in iOS9. When I tried the same link inside, it works there.
I tried to substitute the anchor tag. This code opens the phone application when it is placed inside a div. But the same code does not work inside the iframe. Please suggest how to do this to work inside an iframe?
Please use the code below to see the phone link outside the iframe
<a href = "tel://1-408-555-5555">1-408-555-5555</a>
Please use the code below to confirm the telephone connection inside the iframe.
<iframe id = "test" style = "border:none;"></iframe>
var iframe = document.getElementById("test");
var iDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
iDoc.write('<a href = "tel://1-408-555-5555">1-408-555-5555</a>');