I am trying to customize the CI build process using Azure WebJobs. I have an ASP.NET MVC5 project and a WebJob project in solution and several class library projects. I already have the Visual Studio Online (VSO) assembly definition already installed, which was already installed to deploy the MVC project. However, when I add the WebJob project to the solution, the build process fails:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets (2586, 5) Copying file C:\a\1\a**\*.* to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\app_data\jobs\triggered\LoyaltyClub\*.* failed. Illegal characters in path.
Any ideas how I can fix this? MVC and WebJob projects use version 1.0.7 of the Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish Nuget package.