Delete class after another jQuery was called

I use animation by scrolling through a website using animate.css and a JS script to check the viewport. Scripts work, it appears, but then disappears. I believe this is because classes are added to the element, but the original “hidden” class remains dominant after the animation is called.

Here is the code:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
            classToAdd: 'visible animated fadeInRight',
            offset: 100

.hidden has opacity:0and .visibleopacity:1

How to remove classe hiddenafter calling animation using visible animated fadeInRight? I tried with .removeClass, but I could not get it to work, you know why? I also tried installing opacity:1!importanton .visible.

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1 answer

viewportChecker (: github)

classToRemove: 'hidden', // Class to remove before adding 'classToAdd' to the elements


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