How to upgrade from Apache Kafka to Confluent Platform?

I have a fixed cluster Apache Kafka(each vmworks with one container docker, which, in turn, starts one instance of both kafka, and so on zookeeper), and already with topics and messages in it. Use mainly logstashas producers, logstashand node-kafkaas consumers. How to convert a system to use the recently released Confluent Platform without downtime?

REST APIsaves me a lot of time, but it seems to me that REST APIit takes Schema Registry. First of all, how did I survive without Schema Registrybefore and in the second, why do I need it now? What will happen to data already in Apache Kafka?

Since everything should be containerized, what are the recommendations? several Dockerfileor one Dockerfilefor everything? Currently, I have only one Dockerfileand use supervisordto run both kafka, and zookeeper.

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Confluent Docker released (experimental) images at



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