Element.querySelector - undefined

Why TypeError: pizzaBox.querySelector is not a function. (In 'pizzaBox.querySelector('h6')', 'pizzaBox.querySelector' is undefined)does this code cause an error while reading the console ?

function addToppingsToAll (toppings)
    var pizzaBoxHolder = document.getElementById("PizzaBoxHolder");
    var PizzaBoxList   = pizzaBoxHolder.childNodes;
    for ( var i = 0 ; i < pizzaBoxList.length ; i++ )
        var pizzaBox            = pizzaBoxList[i];
        toppingList             = pizzaBox.querySelector('h6');
        toppingList.textContent = "You have " + toppings " on your pizza";
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2 answers

There are at least three questions in the code:

  • Perhaps you are repeating some text nodes that do not have a method .querySelector().
  • You do not initialize your loop iteration variable for i
  • You have an undeclared variable lineBoxListthat you are trying to use.

You can simplify things by simply using .querySelectorAll()and letting the selector do more work for you.

function addToppingsToAll (toppings) {
    var toppingItems = document.querySelectorAll("#PizzaBoxHolder h6");
    for (var i = 0; i < toppingItems.length; i++) {
        toppingItems[i].textContent = "You have " + toppings " on your pizza";

querySelector - , HTML. childNodes node, (, ).

, , :

var PizzaBoxList   = document.querySelector("#PizzaBoxHolder > *"); 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613051/

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