TCP Dead Line Detection Definition

How can I detect a dead link in a TCP connection? Dead Link occurs when someone pulls a network cable, Turn off the network interface, turn on WiFi or, as in my case ... turn off the power source.

Keep-alive works only for the client, but not for the server.

The server simply receives the data, never sending it, using TCP_USER_TIMEOUT will not work, because send q will always be empty.

I do not want to implement an application layer protocol protocol for speed loss. (no longer zero copy)

One thing that works is to send oob Data, but since you shouldn't use it anymore ...

After the test written below, u will c that the client connection will get closed after the expected short time. But the server will think that it is connected, forever ... waited 3 hours so far ...

I have tested this so far on the Linux kernel 3.13 (Kubuntu) and 3.18 (OpenWrt). This is mistake? I have read many tcp / socket programming books so far ... nothing has helped. Pls pls guys i need ur help :)

I use asynchronous / non-blocking io (epoll), so sending and rcv timeout will not work either.

UPDATE2: Now with cut-out source for x64 / x86

ADD: I thought I could catch an error with the epoll event.

but could it be that I need to ask the socket if an error occurred?

What I have tried so far:

#define MAX_EVENTS      64
#define CON_RETRY_TIMEOUT   10      /* time to wait in sec until next connect attempt */
#define CON_TIMEOUT     10      /* time in sec after which stop trying to connect */
#define CON_IDLE        10      /* time in sec after which con.  seems to be dead*/
#define CON_INIT_TIMEOUT    1       /* time till connection gets reinitialized after shutdown */
#define FD_INVAL        -1
#define MAXBUF          4096
#define DEFAULT_IP      ""
#define DEFAULT_PORT        2000
/* #define NDEBUG */
#define _GNU_SOURCE

#define ERROR(exitcode_when_not_zero, message, ...) \
    error_at_line(exitcode_when_not_zero, errno, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
        message, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#define ERROR_GOTO(ziel, exit_status, message, ...) \
    do { \
        ret = exit_status; \
        if (asprintf(&error_msg, message " %s:%s:%u: error: %s", \
            ##__VA_ARGS__, program_invocation_name, \
                __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno)) == -1) \
            ERROR(EXIT_FAILURE, "asprintf ERROR_GOTO"); \
        goto ziel; \
    } while (0)

#define SHUT_SOCKET(fd)                 \
    do {                        \
        if (fd >= 0) {              \
            shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR);    \
            close(fd);          \
            fd = -1;            \
        }                   \
    } while (0)

#define FREE(x) \
    do { \
        if (x != NULL) { \
            free(x); \
            x = NULL; \
        } \
    } while (0)

#define con_err(e) (e == ECONNRESET  || e == EPIPE || e == ETIMEDOUT \
            || e == ECONNABORTED || e == ECONNREFUSED \
            || e == ENETUNREACH || e == EHOSTUNREACH \
            || e == ETIMEDOUT || e == EACCES || e == EPERM)

#define epoll_hup(events) (events & EPOLLERR \
            || events & EPOLLHUP || events & EPOLLRDHUP)

#include <locale.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
#include <sys/signalfd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <assert.h>

#ifndef strlcpy
#define strlcpy(dst,src,sz) snprintf((dst), (sz), "%s", (src))

volatile sig_atomic_t sigINT_flag = 0;
volatile sig_atomic_t sigTERM_flag = 0;
const char* program_name    = NULL;
static int tcp_out_sock     = FD_INVAL;
static int tcp_listen_sock  = FD_INVAL;
static int tcp_in_sock      = FD_INVAL;
static int con_timeout_tfd  = FD_INVAL;
static int start_listen_tfd = FD_INVAL;
static unsigned short tcp_in_port = 0;
static unsigned short output_device_port = DEFAULT_PORT;
static char output_device_ip[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = DEFAULT_IP;
int epollfd;

void sigfuncALL(int);
static inline void help(void);
static inline int is_sock_err(int);
static inline int handle_events(int, struct epoll_event *);
static inline int set_sock_opt(int);
static inline int try_connect(char *ip, unsigned short port);
static inline int msg_sock_open(FILE *stream, int sock, int epoll_fd);
static inline int msg_sock_close(FILE *stream, int sock, int epoll_fd);
static inline int start_listen(unsigned short port);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int next_option;

    struct sigaction act;
    act.sa_flags = 0;

    if (sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask) != 0)

    const char* short_options = "s:p:o:h";
    const struct option long_options[] = {
        { "server", 1, NULL, 's' },
        { "out-port", 1, NULL, 'p' },
        { "out-ip", 1, NULL, 'o' },
        { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' },
        { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }

    program_name = basename(argv[0]);

    do {
        next_option = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL);
        switch (next_option) {
        case 'h':
        case 's':
            tcp_in_port = (unsigned short) atoi(optarg);
        case 'p':
            output_device_port = atoi(optarg);
        case 'o':
            strlcpy(output_device_ip, optarg, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
        case '?':
            printf("%s: invalid option: %c\nTry %s --help for more information.\n",
                program_name, next_option, program_name);
        case -1:
    } while (next_option != -1);

    int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; /* für ERROR_GOTO */
    char *error_msg = NULL; /* für ERROR_GOTO */
    int retval, nfds;
    struct epoll_event ev, events[MAX_EVENTS];

    epollfd = epoll_create1(0);
    if (epollfd == -1)
        ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "");

    act.sa_handler = sigfuncALL;
    if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL) != 0)
        ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "sigaction SIGTERM");

    act.sa_handler = sigfuncALL;
    if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL) != 0)
        ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "sigaction SIGINT");

    act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL) != 0)
        ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "sigaction SIGPIPE");

    if (tcp_in_port != 0) {
        static struct itimerspec its_listen = {
            .it_value.tv_sec = 1,

        start_listen_tfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
        if (start_listen_tfd == -1)
            ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE,

        if (timerfd_settime(start_listen_tfd, 0, &its_listen, NULL) == -1)
            ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, ""); = EPOLLIN; = start_listen_tfd;
        if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, start_listen_tfd, &ev) == -1)
            ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "");
    } else {
        static struct itimerspec its_timeout = {
            .it_value.tv_sec = CON_INIT_TIMEOUT,
            .it_interval.tv_sec = CON_TIMEOUT

        con_timeout_tfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
        if (con_timeout_tfd == -1)
            ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE,

        if (timerfd_settime(con_timeout_tfd, 0, &its_timeout, NULL) == -1)
            ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "timerfd_settime(con_retry_tfd)"); = EPOLLIN; = con_timeout_tfd;
        if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, con_timeout_tfd, &ev) == -1)
            ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "");

    fprintf(stderr, "ip:%s port: %hu\n",
        output_device_ip, output_device_port);

/* mainloop: */
    while (!sigTERM_flag && !sigINT_flag) {
        nfds = epoll_wait(epollfd, events, MAX_EVENTS, -1);
        if (nfds == -1 && errno == EINTR)
        else if (nfds == -1)
            ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "");

        for (int n = 0; n < nfds; n++) {
            retval = handle_events(epollfd, &events[n]);
            if (retval == -1 && errno == EINTR)
            else if (retval == -1)
                ERROR_GOTO(done, EXIT_FAILURE, "");
    } /* end mainloop */

    puts("Closing Application properly...\n");


    if (ret != EXIT_SUCCESS)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_msg);


    puts("Terminate " PROG_NAME "\n");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
} /* End main() */

static inline void help(void)
        "Usage: %s [OPTION]\n"
        "Does something.\n\n"
        "  -s\t--server   \tstart as server\n"
        "  -p\t--out-port\t port to connect to\n"
        "  -o\t--out-ip  \t ip to connect to\n"
        "  -h\t--help    \tDisplay this help\n"
        , program_name


void sigfuncALL(int sig) {
    switch (sig) {
        case SIGINT:
            sigINT_flag = 1;
        case SIGTERM:
            sigTERM_flag = 1;

static inline int try_connect(char *ip, unsigned short port)
    int ret, retval, socket_fd;
    int yes = true;
    int value;
    struct sockaddr_in tcp_addr;

    if (socket_fd == -1)
        return -1;

    if (set_sock_opt(socket_fd) == -1)
        return -1;

    bzero(&tcp_addr, sizeof(tcp_addr));
    tcp_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    tcp_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
    tcp_addr.sin_port = htons(port);

    retval = connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &tcp_addr,
    if (retval == -1 && errno == EINPROGRESS)
    else if (retval == -1) {
        return -1;

    return socket_fd;

static inline int
handle_events(int epoll_fd, struct epoll_event *event)
    int ret = 0;
    int retval;
    struct epoll_event ev;
    int bytes_send, bytes_received;
    char buffer[MAXBUF] = {};

    if (epoll_hup(event->events)) {
        fputs("BROKEN\n", stderr);
        msg_sock_close(stderr, event->data.fd, epoll_fd);
    } else if (event->data.fd == tcp_out_sock && event->events & EPOLLOUT) {
        /* tcp output connection established */
        ret = is_sock_err(tcp_out_sock);
        if (ret)
            msg_sock_close(stderr, tcp_out_sock, epoll_fd);
            msg_sock_open(stderr, tcp_out_sock, epoll_fd);
    } else if (event->data.fd == tcp_out_sock && event->events & EPOLLIN) {
        retval = recv(tcp_out_sock, buffer, MAXBUF, MSG_DONTWAIT);
        if (retval > 0) {
            /* TODO */
        } else if (retval == -1 && !(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
            ERROR(0, " ");
            ret = -1;
            goto done;
        } else if (retval <= 0)
            msg_sock_close(stderr, tcp_out_sock, epoll_fd);
    } else if (event->data.fd == tcp_listen_sock && event->events & EPOLLIN) {
        tcp_in_sock = accept4(tcp_listen_sock, NULL, NULL, SOCK_NONBLOCK);
        if (tcp_in_sock == -1) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;

        retval = set_sock_opt(tcp_in_sock);
        if (retval == -1) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;

        /* stop listen */
        msg_sock_close(stderr, tcp_listen_sock, epoll_fd);
        msg_sock_open(stderr, tcp_in_sock, epoll_fd);
    } else if (event->data.fd == tcp_in_sock && event->events & EPOLLIN) {
        while (0 < (bytes_received = recv(tcp_in_sock, buffer, MAXBUF, MSG_DONTWAIT))) {
            /* TODO */

        if (bytes_received == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {
        } else if (bytes_received == 0 || (bytes_received == -1 && con_err(errno))) {
            msg_sock_close(stderr, tcp_in_sock, epoll_fd);
        } else if (bytes_received == -1) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;
    } else if (event->data.fd == con_timeout_tfd && event->events & EPOLLIN) {
        uint64_t numExp;
        if (read(con_timeout_tfd, &numExp, sizeof(uint64_t)) == -1) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;

        msg_sock_close(stderr, tcp_out_sock, epoll_fd);

        errno = 0;
        tcp_out_sock = try_connect(output_device_ip, output_device_port);
        if (tcp_out_sock == -1 && (con_err(errno))) {
            msg_sock_close(stderr, tcp_out_sock, epoll_fd);
            goto done;
        } else if (tcp_out_sock == -1) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;
        } = EPOLLOUT; = tcp_out_sock;
        retval = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tcp_out_sock, &ev);
        if (retval == -1) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;
    } else if (event->data.fd == start_listen_tfd && (event->events & EPOLLIN)) {
        uint64_t numExp;
        retval = read(start_listen_tfd, &numExp, sizeof(uint64_t));
        if (retval == -1) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;

        fprintf(stdout, "start to listen on port: %hu\n", tcp_in_port);

        retval = start_listen(tcp_in_port);
        if (retval == -1 && errno != EADDRINUSE) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;
        } else if (retval == -1)
            msg_sock_close(stderr, tcp_listen_sock, epoll_fd); = EPOLLIN; = tcp_listen_sock;
        retval = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tcp_listen_sock, &ev);
        if (retval == -1) {
            ret = -1;
            goto done;

    return ret;

static inline int set_sock_opt(int socket_fd)
    int value;
    int yes = true;
    int ret = 0;
    int retval;

    /* IPPROTO_TCP causes endpoint not connected error on 3.13 ubuntu  */
    retval = setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
                &yes, sizeof(yes));
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    yes = true;
    retval = setsockopt(socket_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, SO_KEEPALIVE,
                &yes, sizeof(yes));
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    yes = true;
    retval = setsockopt(socket_fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVERR,
                &yes, sizeof(yes));
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    /* keepalive probes */
    value = 2;
    retval = setsockopt(socket_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT,
                &value, sizeof(value));
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    /* seconds of idle before sending keepalive probes */
    value = 10;
    retval = setsockopt(socket_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE,
                &value, sizeof(value));
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    /* seconds between keepalive probes */
    value = 1;
    retval = setsockopt(socket_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL,
                &value, sizeof(value));
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    return ret;

static inline int is_sock_err(int socket)
    socklen_t optlen = sizeof(int);
    int optval;

    if (getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*) &optval, &optlen))
        return -1;

    if (optval)
        return optval;

    return 0;

static inline int
msg_sock_close(FILE *stream, int sock, int epoll_fd)
    if (!stream /*|| sock < 0*/) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    struct sockaddr_in peer_addr = {};
    socklen_t peer_addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
    int ret = 0;
    struct epoll_event ev;
    socklen_t optlen = sizeof(int);
    int optval;

    if (!(sock < 0) || errno == 0) {
        ret = getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &peer_addr,
        if (ret == -1 && !(errno == ENOTSOCK || errno == ENOTCONN))
            return -1;

        ret = getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*) &optval, &optlen);
        if (ret == -1 && errno != ENOTSOCK)
            return -1;

    if (sock == tcp_out_sock) {
        fprintf(stream, "tcp output to: %s:%hu closed. Reason: %s\n",
            inet_ntoa(peer_addr.sin_addr), peer_addr.sin_port,
                errno == 0 ? strerror(optval) : strerror(errno));

        /* arm */
        struct itimerspec its_timeout = {
            .it_value.tv_sec = CON_INIT_TIMEOUT,
            .it_interval.tv_sec = CON_TIMEOUT

        if (timerfd_settime(con_timeout_tfd, 0, &its_timeout, NULL) == -1)
            return -1;


        if (tcp_in_sock != FD_INVAL
            && epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL,
                    tcp_in_sock, &ev) == -1)
                        return -1;
    } else if (sock == tcp_in_sock) {
        fprintf(stream, "tcp input from: %s:%hu closed. Reason: %s\n",
            inet_ntoa(peer_addr.sin_addr), peer_addr.sin_port, strerror(optval));

        /* arm */
        struct itimerspec its_retry = {
            .it_value.tv_sec = CON_INIT_TIMEOUT};

        if (timerfd_settime(start_listen_tfd, 0, &its_retry, NULL) == -1)
            return -1;
    } else if (sock == tcp_listen_sock) {
        fprintf(stream, "tcp listen closed\n");

        if (tcp_in_sock == FD_INVAL) {
            /* arm */
            struct itimerspec its_retry = {
                .it_value.tv_sec = CON_INIT_TIMEOUT};

            if (timerfd_settime(start_listen_tfd, 0, &its_retry, NULL) == -1)
                return -1;
    } else {
        sock = FD_INVAL;

    return 0;

static inline int
msg_sock_open(FILE *stream, int sock, int epoll_fd)
    if (!stream || sock < 0) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    struct sockaddr_in peer_addr = {};
    socklen_t peer_addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
    int ret = 0;
    struct epoll_event ev;
    int retval;

    ret = getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &peer_addr,
    if (ret == -1 && errno == ENOTSOCK)
        return -1;

    if (sock == tcp_out_sock) {
        fprintf(stream, "tcp output to: %s:%hu opened\n",
            inet_ntoa(peer_addr.sin_addr), peer_addr.sin_port);

        /* disarm */
        struct itimerspec its_timeout = {
            .it_value.tv_sec = 0,
            .it_value.tv_nsec = 0

        if (timerfd_settime(con_timeout_tfd, 0, &its_timeout, NULL) == -1)
            return -1; = EPOLLIN; = tcp_out_sock;
        if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, tcp_out_sock, &ev) == -1)
            return -1;

        if (tcp_in_sock != FD_INVAL) {
   = tcp_in_sock;
            retval = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD,
                        tcp_in_sock, &ev);
            if (retval == -1)
                return -1;
    } else if (sock == tcp_in_sock) {
        fprintf(stream, "tcp input from: %s:%hu opened\n",
            inet_ntoa(peer_addr.sin_addr), peer_addr.sin_port); = EPOLLIN; = tcp_in_sock;
        if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tcp_in_sock, &ev) == -1)
            return -1;
    } else if (sock == tcp_listen_sock) { = EPOLLIN; = tcp_listen_sock;
        if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tcp_listen_sock, &ev) == -1)
            return -1;

        /* disarm */
        struct itimerspec its_listen = {
            .it_value.tv_sec = 0,
            .it_interval.tv_sec = 0

        if (timerfd_settime(start_listen_tfd, 0, &its_listen, NULL) == -1) {
            return -1;

    return 0;

static inline int
start_listen(unsigned short port)
    assert(tcp_listen_sock == FD_INVAL);

    int flag = 1;
    struct sockaddr_in sock_addr;
    int retval, ret = 0;

    tcp_listen_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    if (tcp_listen_sock == -1)
        return -1;

    sock_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    sock_addr.sin_port = htons(port);

    retval = set_sock_opt(tcp_listen_sock);
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    retval = bind(tcp_listen_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sock_addr,
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    retval = listen(tcp_listen_sock, 5);
    if (retval == -1) {
        ret = -1;
        goto done;

    if (ret == -1)

    return ret;

What I read so far:

TCP Keep-Alive

- C ?

TCP Linux


TCP- linux C?

, TCP-?

Linux/Unix, 2010 . , , :)

, - ?



socat -dd tcp-listen:2000,keepalive,keepidle=10,keepcnt=2,reuseaddr,keepintvl=1 -


socat -dd - tcp:localhost:2000,keepalive,keepidle=10,keepcnt=2,keepintvl=1

( , (WiFi/))

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2000 -j DROP


watch -n 1 'netstat -otn | grep :2000'


socat 1 2014 17:08:10



keepbug -s 2000


keepbug -o -p 2000


u ,

, Iptables , , , , .


OMG, noob:)


<   retval = setsockopt(socket_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, SO_KEEPALIVE,
>   retval = setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE,

- SO_RCVTIMEO . , , , , .



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