FolderPicker does not work in UWP Windows 10 app (mobile)

I am developing a UWP application for Windows 10. Given the following code example ....

using Windows.Storage;
using Windows.Storage.Pickers;

FolderPicker picker = new FolderPicker() { SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary };

StorageFolder folder = await picker.PickSingleFolderAsync();

if (folder != null) { ... work ... }

... everything works fine on the desktop .

On the mobile device, unfortunately (build 10.0.10549), the first time the method is called, a system dialog box appears in which I can select "My device" as the only parameter. When you click this option, the system-file-explorer-app application starts, after which there is an immediate close / crash / something in this application. So I ended up in my application again with folder == null. When I try to run this fragment again, it PickSingleFolderAsync()throws a UnauthorizedAccessException ("Access denied"). However, if I put a breakpoint on line c PickSingleFolderAsync(), the application does not crash, but, as in the first attempt, the file-explorer application returns immediately without any folder.



, 10572 Win10 . folderpicker 10549, 10572 .

05//2015 - VS Win10M VS2015 Update1 RC + Win10M 10581. " ", .



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