Sort Realm Objects with List Property Count

I have two classes of Realm data models:

class TaskList: Object {

   dynamic var name = ""
   dynamic var createdAt = NSDate()
   let tasks = List<Task>()


class Task: Object {

   dynamic var name = ""
   dynamic var createdAt = NSDate()
   dynamic var notes = ""
   dynamic var isCompleted = false

Now I need to query TaskList and sort them with the number of tasks in each of them. I tried using something like this, but it disables the application because it is not supported:

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2 answers

Like this:

realm.objects(TaskList).sort { $0.tasks.count < $1.tasks.count }

EDIT: I have no idea about Realm, it only works when it objectsreturns CollectionTypeand Listhas a property count.


Another workaround is:

Enter the property taskCountin TaskListand always synchronize taskCountand tasks.count.

class TaskList: Object {
    dynamic var name = ""
    dynamic var createdAt = NSDate()
    let tasks = List<Task>()
    dynamic var taskCount = 0

Then you can use


Realm , .

taskCount tasks.count, :

( tasks.append() , addTask().)

class TaskList: Object {
    dynamic var name = ""
    dynamic var createdAt = NSDate()
    private let tasks = List<Task>()
    dynamic var taskCount = 0

    func addTask(task: Task) {
        func add() {
            taskCount = tasks.count
        if let realm = realm where !realm.inWriteTransaction {
            try! realm.write{
        } else {


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