Spring Social with Simple OpenID

Can I use Spring Social with simple OpenID providers like Wordpress, Livejournal or Steam? It seems that Spring Social can only implement OAuth2.

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1 answer

OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple authentication layer on top of OAuth 2.0. It allows Clients to verify end-user identification based on the authentication performed by the authorization server, as well as to obtain basic information about the end-user profile.

Spring implementation is independent of Open Id providers. This means that spring behaves the same for all OpenId providers, some of the common OpenID providers are Yahoo !, AOL, Flickr or MySpace ....

So, if spring works the same for Wordpress, Livejournal, Steam, or any other open identifier providers.

Since most OpenId providers are switching to OAuth2.0 or OAuth connect implementations like google.Spring, they also come up with OAuth2.0 and social login features.

1) A simple example of an open identifier connecting to a Yahoo OpenId provider.

2) spring security is a social input example .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1613015/

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