Hoping that someone had already decided this; I am trying to wrap a third-party library (Airwatch) in cocoapod for better control in our applications. However, I have time trying to get this to work. I created a block around a static library, but it's a dynamic structure, and I get damn time to compile it. Headings from the frame are simply not available in the containing application ....
Here is what I have already tried:
- When I set vendored_libraries in podspec, I cannot access the headers with quotes or <>. Xcode just complains like "Not found"
Next, I tried to add the path to the headers in the framework as source_files, for example:
s.source_files = 'Pod/Classes/**/*','Pod/Framework/AWSDK.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.h'
This allows xcode to find the header to import, for example:
import "AWSDKCore.h"
But this creates an error for existing imports in the original structure:
I thought it was a bad idea, but I thought that I would try calling my cocoapod the same name as the Framework (which should contain the import path). Thus, this causes a lot of errors saying that some enumerations are either not declared or declared twice.
If anyone has thoughts, I will be forever magnificent ...
For reference only, here is my podspec:
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = "AirwatchSDK"
s.version = "0.1.0"
s.summary = "A short description of AirwatchSDK."
s.homepage = "https://github.com/<GITHUB_USERNAME>/AirwatchSDK"
s.license = 'MIT'
s.author = { "xxxxx" => "xxxx" }
s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/<GITHUB_USERNAME>/AirwatchSDK.git", :tag => s.version.to_s }
s.platform = :ios, '8.0'
s.requires_arc = true
s.source_files = 'Pod/Classes/**/*','Pod/Framework/AWSDK.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.h'
s.vendored_frameworks = 'Pod/Framework/AWSDK.framework'
s.frameworks = 'CFNetwork','CoreData','CoreFoundation','CoreGraphics','CoreLocation','CoreTelephony','CoreText'
s.libraries = 'stdc++','z','sqlite3','c++'