RxJS: highlight one click with the mouse

I have an AngularJS component that should respond either to one click or to drag and drop (resize area).

I started using RxJS (ReactiveX) in my application, so I'm trying to find a solution using it. The Angular side of the request is negligible ...

To simplify the task (and train), I created a slider pointer based on the example rx.angular.js drag'n'drop: http://plnkr.co/edit/UqdyB2 See the Slide.js file (another code is for other experiments ) The code for this logic is:

    function(scope, element, attributes)
      var thumb = element.children(0);
      var sliderPosition = element[0].getBoundingClientRect().left;
      var sliderWidth = element[0].getBoundingClientRect().width;
      var thumbPosition = thumb[0].getBoundingClientRect().left;
      var thumbWidth = thumb[0].getBoundingClientRect().width;

      // Based on drag'n'drop example of rx-angular.js
      // Get the three major events
      var mousedown = rx.Observable.fromEvent(thumb,     'mousedown');
      var mousemove = rx.Observable.fromEvent(element,   'mousemove');
      var mouseup   = rx.Observable.fromEvent($document, 'mouseup');

      // I would like to be able to detect a single click vs. click and drag.
      // I would say if we get mouseup shortly after mousedown, it is a single click;
      // mousedown.delay(200).takeUntil(mouseup)
      //   .subscribe(function() { console.log('Simple click'); }, undefined, function() { console.log('Simple click completed'); });

      var locatedMouseDown = mousedown.map(function (event) 
        // console.log('Click', event.clientX - sliderPosition);
        // calculate offsets when mouse down
        var initialThumbPosition = thumb[0].getBoundingClientRect().left - sliderPosition;
        return { from: initialThumbPosition, offset: event.clientX - sliderPosition };

      // Combine mouse down with mouse move until mouse up
      var mousedrag = locatedMouseDown.flatMap(function (clickInfo) 
        return mousemove.map(function (event)
          var move = event.clientX - sliderPosition - clickInfo.offset;
          // console.log('Move', clickInfo);
          // calculate offsets from mouse down to mouse moves
          return clickInfo.from + move;

        .map(function (position)
          if (position < 0)
            return 0;
          if (position > sliderWidth - thumbWidth)
            return sliderWidth - thumbWidth;
          return position;
        .subscribe(function (position) 
          // console.log('Drag', position);
          // Update position
          thumb.css({ left: position + 'px' });

Basically, D'n'D is limited horizontally and within a given range.

, mousedown, (, 200 , ), , (, ).

delay().takeUntil(mouseup), SO-, . , switch() ( ).

? .


timeout (timeoutWith, ReactiveX/RxJS)

var click$ = mousedown.flatMap(function (md) {
  return mouseup.timeoutWith(200, Observable.empty());

, Observable. , .


delay(Xms).takeUntil(mouseup) , ? , , mouseup , , mouseup.

- ( , , , ):

var click$ = mousedown.flatMap(function ( mouseDownEv ) {
  return merge(
      Rx.just(mouseDownEv).delay(Xms).map(function ( x ) {return {event : 'noclick'};}),
      mouseup.map(function ( mouseUpEv ) {return {event : mouseUpEv};})

, mouseup , , , . , click$ "noclick", , .

, , , , .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612938/

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