I read on google about serializability of conflict and serialization.
But I do not get the correct definition and the difference between serializable and serializable conflicts.
I only get one. This serializability of conflicts implies serializable.
In many ways, they talked more about serializable and serializable conflicts the same.
Can someone explain what a serializable conflict is and the difference between serializability and serializable with examples.
Thanks for the advance!
An answer was found to my question.
Serializable , . , , .
: -
T1 T2 Read(X) Read(y) Write(X) Write(Y)
. , .
, . , - .
T1 T2 Read(X) Read(X) Write(X) Write(X) Read(Y) Write(Y) Read(Y) Write(Y)
T1 T2 . , T2 X T1. , T1 X. T2. .
: . - . . .
Serializable :
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612885/More articles:F # This is a mistake in Option.map - f #How to restore databse SQL 2008 in C #? - c #How to recover SQL Server 2012.bak database file in C #? - c #How to load all photos of current user in PHP Graph PHP SDK? - phpКак метод compareTo работает здесь для сортировки объектов один за другим - javaHow to convert timespan to decimal? - decimalRewrite the url to remove the question mark and add slashes to htaccess - phpDWScript: passing a set of an enumerated type will pass an array of integers - delphiFgets progress - an easier way? - phpError getting permissions id for Google Drive (Drive REST API, getIdForEmail) - node.jsAll Articles