Download in-app Xcode 7 purchase content

I understand that with Xcode 6 you could not download a package of hosted content from Xcode. So you should have used this application loader program that I downloaded.

But now I upgraded to Xcode 7 and was waiting for the bug to fix. My question is: "Is there a way to download hosted content from Xcode 7 or is it still necessary to use Application Loader?"

I ask because at this moment, when I try to download the content, I get:

Archive verification failed due to the problems listed below. An error has occurred. The Archive element is not associated with any known iTunes Connect platform.

Thanks for any further information.

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1 answer

The answer to this question is that you should use Application Loader. I can never get around this problem by spending some time on it. You might think that they would fix it, but no.

However, it is not that difficult to use the App Loader, and it works well.



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