" Is it possible to include ES6 features in jslint plugin for Not...">

How to enable jslint plugin in Notepad ++ to recognize es6 functions like "=>"

Is it possible to include ES6 features in jslint plugin for Notepad ++?

I tried setting es6 and ES6 to true, but this does not work.

In particular, I use the arrow functions "=>" and get jslint errors, waiting for the identifier and seeing the ">".

This is for programs running under node.js v 4.2.1, using notepad ++ as an editor in Windows 2012 R2.

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2 answers

Found the answer. Add

/*jslint es6:true*/ 

jslint ++ http://sourceforge.net/projects/jslintnpp/



/*jslint esnext:true*/

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612801/

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