I wrote a batch script file to copy files CSS
to a specific directory and the exclamation pointCSS
problem is removed when I open the files in the target directory .
The original CSS contains styles with exclamation marks, such as:
color: pink !important;
My CSS result will be
color: pink important;
I examined the reason for this and based on: the exclamation mark was permanently deleted in the batch file
But I can't figure out where I need to disable extension delay in my case.
FYI, my party does the following:
for each topic line, separated by a comma, find the beginning and end of line numbers that correspond to a specific line.
now I have start and end lines (example 500 and 1000)
, 500 1000
, , , .
set themes=Platinum,Granite,Sun,Sky,Burgundy,Leaf,Twilight,Sharepoint 2010,Sharepoint 2013
rem Directory that contains theme css files
set RUNTIME_DEST=%K2DIR%\K2 SmartForms Runtime\Styles\Themes
REM Do something with each substring
call :parse "%themes%"
goto :eof
for %%a in ("%themes:,=" "%") do (
call :getLineNumber %%a
goto :eof
echo file name is %~1
set filename=%~1
rem Get start and end line numbers of the unwanted section
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"PickerCollectionThemeStart" "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css"') do (
set start=%%a
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"PickerCollectionThemeEnd" "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css"') do (
set end=%%a
if not defined start (
echo start not defined...
set start=0
set end=0
echo start val = !start!
echo end val = !end!
call :resetTheme "%filename%" "%start%" "%end%"
goto :eof
set filename=%~1
set start=%~2
set end=%~3
echo %fileName%
echo %start%
echo %end%
rem Create a copy file to modify
xcopy "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css" "%cd%\Batch_tmp" /y /z /r
echo creating tmp copy...
rem Rename the file so we can modify and create finalized version
ren "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%fileName%_tmp.css"
echo coping all line except section...
rem Copy all lines, except the ones in start-end section
(for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css"') do (
if %%a lss %start% echo(%%b
if %%a gtr %end% echo(%%b
)) > Batch_tmp\!fileName!.css
echo copying to blackpearl dir
rem Finally move the css over to blackpearl directory
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
xcopy "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%RUNTIME_DEST%" /y /z /r
goto :eof
. , ,
EnableDelayedExpansion script, , DisableDelayedExpansion , .
set themes=Platinum,Granite,Sun,Sky,Burgundy,Leaf,Twilight,Sharepoint 2010,Sharepoint 2013
rem Directory that contains theme css files
set RUNTIME_DEST=%K2DIR%\K2 SmartForms Runtime\Styles\Themes
REM Do something with each substring
call :parse "%themes%"
goto :eof
for %%a in ("%themes:,=" "%") do (
call :getLineNumber %%a
goto :eof
echo file name is %~1
set filename=%~1
rem Get start and end line numbers of the unwanted section
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"PickerCollectionThemeStart" "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css"') do (
set start=%%a
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"PickerCollectionThemeEnd" "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css"') do (
set end=%%a
if not defined start (
echo start not defined...
set start=0
set end=0
echo start val = !start!
echo end val = !end!
call :resetTheme "%filename%" "%start%" "%end%"
goto :eof
set filename=%~1
set start=%~2
set end=%~3
echo %fileName%
echo %start%
echo %end%
rem Create a copy file to modify
xcopy "%RUNTIME_DEST%\%filename%.css" "%cd%\Batch_tmp" /y /z /r
echo creating tmp copy...
rem Rename the file so we can modify and create finalized version
ren "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%fileName%_tmp.css"
echo coping all line except section...
rem Copy all lines, except the ones in start-end section
(for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "Batch_tmp\%fileName%_tmp.css"') do (
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if %%a lss %start% echo(%%b
if %%a gtr %end% echo(%%b
)) > Batch_tmp\!fileName!.css
echo copying to blackpearl dir
rem Finally move the css over to blackpearl directory
xcopy "Batch_tmp\%fileName%.css" "%RUNTIME_DEST%" /y /z /r
goto :eof