How to accept the address of an overloaded statement defined as a friend in a body class in C ++

How can I get the address of an overloaded statement defined as a friend in a class cube?

I tried the following

struct S {
  friend bool operator==(S, S) { return true; }

int main() {
  bool (*f)(S, S) = &operator==;

But gcc gives an error In function ‘int main()’: error: ‘operator==’ not defined
   bool (*f)(S, S) = &operator==;

which can be fixed by declaring an operator in the (global) namespace:

bool operator==(S, S);

Is there a way to accept the address without reusing the operator?

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2 answers

, X X, ( X) ,, .

, , , ADL ( , , , , .).



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, 11.3 $6,7 [class.friend] ( )

6 if (9.8), , .

7 . , () , . , , (3.4.1).



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