Include Folder in Gradle Artifact

I'm sure this is surprisingly simple, but it was a long day, and the Gradle docs disappoint me in better times (I looked).

I want to add a folder ( libs) inside a predefined artifact ( bundleRelease).

This happens on android (aar build) and inside the block maven-publish, for example

releaseJar(MavenPublication) {

            artifact bundleRelease

using Gradle 2.3.

Thanks for any help here :)

EDIT: here Include / libs / folder in aar

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1 answer

Depends on what you want for the syntax, but if you want the files jarin the root directoryaar

android {
    sourceSets {
        main {
            resources.includes = [ '**/libs/*.jar' ]        

If you want to include the entire folder, I think it should be what you want

android {
    sourceSets {
        main {
            resources.includes = [ 'pathTo/libs' ]        

, , , , aar, , - jcenter mavenCentral, maven pom, gradle .



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