I am working on materials related to NetBoot, this requires configuration in /etc/hostconfig. But this file no longer exists on my system.
After a quick Google, I found that with OS X, Yosemite is /etc/hostconfigno longer installed as part of the OS.
So what is its replacement?
From what I see, I think it is scutil. For example, I install HOSTNAMEusing
sudo scutil --set HostName my-host-name
(Also, sudo is optional - if you leave it you can just get a TouchID hint, for example.)
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612719/More articles:Выполните действие в отдельном потоке, чтобы разблокировать интерфейс - c#How to use the headquarters bench - benchmarkingRegEx: how to change group contents - phpPhpStorm ignores module failure - phpProblems with VLA in C - cКак добавить шрифт awesome в метод link_to на рельсах с помощью haml? - rubyElasticSearch 2.0 Java API: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings $Builder - spring-bootLaravel 5.1 Undefined variable: comments - phpAndroid library project depending on other library projects - androidHow to link dependency resources with my own aar? - android-gradleAll Articles