I played using the stack for a small haskell application, so far I could create and test perfectly, and I was interested in looking at performance, so I tried stack bench, however, that’s all that seems to be happening:
stack bench
c:\Users\jk\projects\foo>stack bench stack bench
I don’t think he could do something? My application is not working. Is Presuembly some kind of configuration that I am missing?
stack benchany test suite defined in your file will run foo.cabal. Without seeing this, it’s hard to say more; note that you can work with -vto get more results.
, , , , - , stack bench , :)
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612715/More articles:Cassandra: node coordinator waiting for replica nodes to respond - cassandraНастройка страницы ошибки CSRF в Spring Безопасность - springCordoba / Ion Smart TV App - angularjsHow to use a stack bench? - haskellВыполните действие в отдельном потоке, чтобы разблокировать интерфейс - c#RegEx: how to change group contents - phpPhpStorm ignores module failure - phpProblems with VLA in C - cWhat is the replacement / etc / hostconfig - osx-elcapitanКак добавить шрифт awesome в метод link_to на рельсах с помощью haml? - rubyAll Articles