“Expected Resource Interpolator Error Type [ResourceType]” and “Cannot Resolve Symbol” When Creating Signed APK

I tested my application on many devices and everything is going fine, but when I try to create a signed apk, the following message appears: Expected resource interpolator like [ResourceType]

This line seems to be a problem:

scaleDown.setInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(activity, android.R.anim.decelerate_interpolator));

Behind this line there is a class called AnimationUtils, this class belongs to the android SDK, so I don’t understand why, when I check its source code, the following imports show me Cannot resolve symbol

import android.annotation.AnimRes;
import android.annotation.InterpolatorRes;

I already tried to clean and rebuild.

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2 answers

I finally overcame this problem by replacing

AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(activity, android.R.anim.decelerate_interpolator)

new DecelerateInterpolator()

1. .R.anim.a R.interpolater.b


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612593/

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