I installed SVN 1.9.2 on UAT Linux redhat 6.6 using tarball and ran SVNSERVE as a daemon and everything went fine. Then I created the repository and set up the repo to access the client and tried to access the repository using tortoiseSVN, but could not access the repository. Seeing the error
"db / format contains an invalid version of the file system format addressing the logical"
Before installing in UAT, I tried on the TEST server, but I could install and access the repository without problems. I am using a Redhat 6.6 server. Anyone saw this problem. I'm stuck since we have a production plant next week.
Edit: Actually, I went to the bin directory of the installed bin and ran svnserve as a daemon. The svnserve, which ships with Redhat OS, started. He solved the problem when calling svnserve with the full path.
arunp source