I know how to manually enable panels in Chrome. I wrote chrome extensions that use panels. Unfortunately, users must first enable this manually.
chrome.windows.create({type:"panel", url: temp, width:pos.w,height:pos.h, top:pos.top, left:pos.left}, function (_win) { win = _win.id; });
Question: is it possible to enable the panel function for expansion without having to do it manually?
You cannot inside an extension, a period.
Chrome flags are experimental features, and you should never assume that they are present.
- , Chrome, --enable-panels; (Google , ).
, chrome.tabs.create chrome://flags/#enable-panels , .
, Chrome OS apps 45. . alwaysOnTop (alwaysOnTopWindows). .
chrome.app.window.create("test.html", { alwaysOnTop: true, type: "panel" })
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