Windows JDK is not a compiler error - have already tried PATH, installed x64 and x86 installed / reinstall. What's happening?

I spent about 10 hours on this already, and tried and repeated the solutions that I found on the network, but I do not find new solutions and do not get those that I tried there. Could you help me?

Background: I am new to environments such as this, so there might be something simple that I missed. I'm trying to learn how to create Alexa Skills and compile a set of sample files with Maven:

And I do this through:

mvn assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies package

I am on Windows 7 Pro x64. I installed jdk-8u60-windows-x64.exe. Using CMD windows (would be glad for suggestions on a better terminal, though!) Eclipse does not work.

C:is root, but I installed JDK in E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8...

I install JAVA HOME - in the root directory - E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8...

I set PATH with \bin; added to the front. Note. There was already a way for \oracle\java, but I tried with it and without it without changes.

I install maven with M2 and M2_Home.

After all this, I still got the compiler unrelated problem. So I tried a bunch of things:

  • I deleted everything and reinstalled everything (x64) using "Run as Administrator".
  • Put all the PATH and _HOME values ​​in the user and system settings.
  • Everything removed, reinstall everything as Admin, but x86 this time.
  • Repeat the _Home path and steps with the new program file (x86) files.
  • For each PATH and _HOME, I also tried Progra ~ 1, Progra ~ 2 instead of "Program Files".

Nothing succeeded.

no compiler associated. Javac.exe .

. .


, . . , . JRE JDK. , noobie (?). JDK, JRE. JDK JRE, , . JRE JDK. , , . , . .



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