This code should show me yesterday as the start and end date today as the last option. It worked for several months, I did not change anything, but from some weeks I get the wrong date.
This shows me the day before yesterday if I run this code locally, rstudio on my ubuntu server, or connect to a brilliant server that runs this code.
ui <- basicPage(
dateRangeInput("daterange", "Daterange",start = Sys.Date()-1
,end = Sys.Date()-1,max=Sys.Date())
server <- function(input,output){}
I found this question, In Shiny for R, why does Sys.Date () return yesterday's date inside dateInput? and with start = NULL, end = NULL I understood correctly today, but since I need yesterday, this is not a solution for me.
If I ran Sys.Date () in the console, it gave me the correct date, locally and on my server. The problem only occurs if I run it as a brilliant application.
Update 10.21.2015
I tried to get around a bit thanks to Oscar Forsmo's suggestion to get a system ("date") inside the application that gives me the correct date and time.
And it gets even weirder:
values <- reactiveValues()
ui <- basicPage(
textOutput( "today" )
server <- function(input,output){
isolate(values$day <- Sys.Date())
output$today <- renderText({
output$timerange <- renderUI({ dateRangeInput("daterange", "Daterange",start = values$day-1
,end = values$day-1,max=values$day) })
In the output object "today" I have the correct date, in the uiOutput timer "I have the wrong day, it shows again the day before yesterday."
I am going to provide a screenshot because I did not believe myself.
wrong day in dateRangeInput, right in textOutput
And besides, an application running on a brilliant server shows the correct time / date for some of my colleagues, and some get the same wrong date.
, renderText, - dateRangeInput, ?!
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