Reactive manifest: non-blocking code and blocking code?

It seems that these days they are talking about an active application, and the reactive manifest seems to encourage non-blocking / asynchronous code. I saw a ton of video on youtube where speakers welcome non-blocking code, but no one talks about the benefits of writing non-blocking code over locking, except in saying

"using futures is good because it is not blocking your code" - some speaker

It just makes the “ blocking code ” a sound word.

My question is simple: If I have a task and I start it with

  • Lock code - where the task is executed in one thread
  • Non-blocking code. If one thread delegates the task to another thread.

The fact is that the actual task that I want to run will always work in 1 thread in the two above cases. The second option simply adds more complexity to the application, and the first one is simpler and probably faster since I do not need to delegate.

I understand that at some point during the execution of the task it will be necessary to perform several parallel tasks, so the Threads / non blocking / async code helps here. But why does the Reactive manifest encourage non-blocking applications? What is the use, besides the whole group of Futures and Promises in your applications, which just makes the code more and more difficult to debug?

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. Non-blocking IO , , IO. -.

/ IO . .

/ -: . .

/ IO, , , .

.NET, : EF 6 ? async I/O ?




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