I want to use or work in my query with a where clause with multiple filters.
I am using the anydb-sql node module in my script.
I can use something like this
user .select(user.id) .from(user) .where( user.name.equals('boom').and(user.id.equals(1)) ).or( user.name.equals('bang').and(user.id.equals(2)) ).toQuery();
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1612395/More articles:Why does my custom soft keyboard not open after rebooting the device? - androidbenchmarking - benchmarkingCakephp 3.x Creating and Using Custom Validation Rules - validationWhat if SKPaymentTransactionState is SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing? - iosHow to rename a branch created from a chest? - svnCreate C ++ code where the templates have been extended - c ++Set isolation level using CFTRANSACTION AND ORM EntityLoad - coldfusionHow to use ProtocolBuffer field masks? - protocol-buffersОшибка при проверке установки sbt - scalaAccess pixel values of pixels in a contour border using OpenCV in Python - pythonAll Articles