Get current sensitive image value on Safari

I am trying to determine the placeholder when I click on an image using the photoswipe plugin. I would like to specify exactly the same version of my responsive image as the image displayed on my screen.

data-srcset=" 240w, 360w, 480w, 720w "

Above are different versions of my image.

My task is to display the current image. To do this, I use a property currentSrcthat works fine on Firefox and Chrome, but not on Safari.

var currentSrc = imgEl.currentSrc || imgEl.src;

I did not find anything about a possible solution for Safari and currentSrc.

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1 answer

naturalWidth Safari.

, naturalWidth DDR- , , WebKit DPR-. , currentSrc .

. Edge x currentSrc, , naturalWidth. Edge w currentSrc.



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