IOS "Push Notification" certificate unavailable

My Apple Push Notification SSL Certificate (Production) Certificate expires on November 6th. I created a new certificate (on this issue I will focus only on the production, although on the same problem), and tried to check it on my server, and it did not work. Then I decided to revoke the certificate and create a new one, but now - this option is grayed out. It was already gray after I created a new certificate, and I decided that if I revoke it, the system will allow me to create a new one. (The old certificate, which expires on November 6, is still active, I do not want to revoke it, since the server is currently using this for streaming notifications).

Does anyone know why this option is inactive? How can I create a new push certificate now? Thanks

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2 answers

Push notification certificates are actually created on the application identifier page:

  • Go to the "Identifiers" section → "Application Identifiers"
  • Select the application required to renew the certificate and select "Change"
  • Scroll down to "Apple Push Notification SSL Service Certificates." You should see the "Create Certificate ..." button

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, , , , , Push Notifications . , .

Member Center, , , Push Notifications . - , () .




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