I am using EntityFramework 6 on SQL Server 2012 and .NET 4.5.1.
During long transactions, the second user performs deadlocks. The problem is that the first user locks records for PayrollListHumanResourceID=90FA9981-AFD3-43BF-AD92-AAE5E2A42B5A
, and the second wants to take data for PayrollListHumanResourceID=6CFE74C3-F180-497C-8DDA-BCA8D075FF59
The code below shows a transaction from SQL Profiler for an Entity Framework client. For the second user, the last (sometimes the penultimate) exec
goes to a standstill. For example, I removed most of the functions that work fine. I set a breakpoint for the first user right after the section DELETE
and before COMMIT
in the C # code. The first user has a different meaning p__linq
set quoted_identifier on
set arithabort off
set numeric_roundabort off
set ansi_warnings on
set ansi_padding on
set ansi_nulls on
set concat_null_yields_null on
set cursor_close_on_commit off
set implicit_transactions off
set language us_english
set dateformat mdy
set datefirst 7
set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
begin tran;
exec sp_executesql N'DELETE [Extent1] FROM [dbo].[PayrollListErrors] AS [Extent1] WHERE [Extent1].[PayrollListHumanResourceID] = @p__linq__0',N'@p__linq__0 uniqueidentifier',@p__linq__0='6CFE74C3-F180-497C-8DDA-BCA8D075FF59'
exec sp_executesql N'DELETE [Extent1] FROM [dbo].[PayrollListElementRelations] AS [Extent1] WHERE [Extent1].[PayrollListHumanResourceID] = @p__linq__0',N'@p__linq__0 uniqueidentifier',@p__linq__0='6CFE74C3-F180-497C-8DDA-BCA8D075FF59'
exec sp_executesql N'DELETE [Extent1] FROM [dbo].[PayrollListElements] AS [Extent1] WHERE [Extent1].[PayrollListHumanResourceID] = @p__linq__0',N'@p__linq__0 uniqueidentifier',@p__linq__0='6CFE74C3-F180-497C-8DDA-BCA8D075FF59'
Below are images with table keys and indexes.
, :
- INT ( , ),
- ( 2 , , ).
. . / ID
- :
DELETE [Extent1] FROM [dbo].[PayrollListElements] AS [Extent1] WHERE [Extent1].ID = 30
, . , . , , index seek. , . , . FORCESEEK .
Deadlock graph.xdl
Trace profiler.trc